Corrupted ERA5 datasets from CDS-Beta


I just migrated to the new CDS-Beta and tried downloading some ERA5 monthly data.
For example, I tried downloading ERA5 monthly 850hPa geopotential data netcdf files via API.

import cdsapi

dataset = “reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels-monthly-means”
request = {
‘variable’: [‘geopotential’],
‘pressure_level’: [‘850’],
‘year’: [‘1982’],
‘month’: [‘01’, ‘02’, ‘03’, ‘04’, ‘05’, ‘06’, ‘07’, ‘08’, ‘09’, ‘10’, ‘11’, ‘12’],
‘time’: [‘00:00’],
‘data_format’: ‘netcdf’,
‘download_format’: ‘zip’
client = cdsapi.Client()
client.retrieve(dataset, request).download()

Unfortunately, the output I received via ZIP file is fragmented, where there are several files named data_0 to 5 files.
These files are unreadable via CDO functions.
I didn’t have such problems before migration, so I am wondering if the errors are being rectified at the moment.

I went back to using the current CDS to download ERA5 files.
Absolutely no issues when I do that and the processing time was quick.
There are still issues with CDS-Beta with all the corrupted datafiles, yet they want us to migrate by Sep 3?
I sincerely hope they can keep the existing CDS for 1-2 months more until CDS-Beta issues are fully rectified.