I wrote a test scrip to try and get some variables of model levels. It took 4 hours and returned a file with only time and lat/lon grids. No variables.
I’ve updated my .cdsapi file. The call goes to MARS with no error messages.
Here’s there script:
import cdsapi
c = cdsapi.Client()
c.retrieve(‘reanalysis-era5.1-complete’, {
‘date’ : ‘2024-08-21/to/2024-09-03’,
‘levelist’: ‘1/to/137’,
‘levtype’ : ‘ml’,
‘param’ : ‘129/130/131/132/135/156/157/203’, # Param ID GP=129, T=130, u=131, v=132, w=135, GPH=156, H20=157, O3=203
‘stream’ : ‘oper’,
‘time’ : ‘00/to/23/by/1’,
‘type’ : ‘an’,
‘area’ : ‘59/7/49/17’, # North, West, South, East.
‘grid’ : ‘0.25/0.25’,
‘format’ : ‘netcdf’,
}, ‘ECMWF_operational_ml_20240821_20240903.nc’) # Output file.
Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong? This has worked for the past 3 years.