Availability of Height of surface for 0.25deg open-data from operational IFS-HRES forecast model

I’m looking for the grid of height of surface for 0.25deg open-data from operational IFS-HRES forecast model.
As reported in Open data | ECMWF,
this time-independent field zos (sea surface height) is currently NOT available from the open-data service.
Could anyone tell me if it is possible to acquire this parameter somewhere on the ecmwf portal or from other sources?

Hi, I had the same issue and resorted to calculating model elevation from surface and mean sea level pressure. Could can find the code here: open-meteo/Sources/App/Helper/Meteorology.swift at 632187f44c8fcfa89b0abe07a721d0bab17a659c · open-meteo/open-meteo · GitHub