C3S seasonal forecast: bug affecting retrieval of NCEP daily and subdaily data has been fixed

The issue affecting availability of NCEP CFSv2 members in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets reported as "known issue" E7 (C3S Seasonal Forecast known issues) has been now fixed and all NCEP CFSv2 members are now available for users to retrieve.

Description of the affected data Recovery period
(some data could still be wrong)
Recovery completed
(all the data has been fixed)

Missing members from CFSv2-v20110310 (NCEP CFSv2) data.

It affects all data available in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets:

Members with start time at 06h,12h and 18h are not being retrieved from the archive by the CDS and just members with start time at 00h are returned

between 2020/05/15 at 15:45 GMT
and 2020/05/15 at 16:30 GMT

after 2020/05/15 at 16:30 GMT