Complete ERA5 -- taking ages to download

I’m going crazy. I am facing the same problem. I haven’t able to access to the dataset since last ninght. What happen? How long will it take?

Same problem, anyone is dealing with this? I don’t get any notice this will happen…

Dear all,
I have problem to access CDS via website and via API to download ERA5 data since yesterday. The 25th everything was ok. Anyone has understood the problem?

I have the same problem - getting 504 Gateway Time-out errors when trying to access the website and API requests not succeeding at all… It is really annoying to see that ECWMF seems not be able/ willing (?) to fix this and provide a stable system

Same problem from yesterday for both C3S and ADS…

I was told UCAR has a mirror of ERA5 data. Not tried it out yet but I guess everything’s better than CDS. The “upgrade” to the new CDS seems to be a huge downgrade in fact.

Here’s the link: NSF NCAR Curated ECMWF Reanalysis 5 (ERA5) - Registry of Open Data on AWS (no AWS login required).

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Please have a look at the following link:

CDS, ADS and EWDS down until further notice


It seems that website of ERA5 is now working ( ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present (