Did you manage to download the data in the end? Ever since the migration, I haven’t been able to download anything. It always gets stuck in the queue or fails with errors like “server unavailable” or “incomplete download” from CDSAPI. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I am experiencing something similar with GloFAS. Before 1 year of data took me 10 minutes. Now it takes me 10 hours. Is really delaying my project at the moment unfortunately
Good news! Things are becoming more stable now. I’m able to download all the data without any errors, and everything is up to date. Hopefully, it works for everyone.
The download of complete ERA5 reanalysis data is exceptionally slow. Although the ERA5 pressure level data can be downloaded normally, it is always unstable, and the download suddenly stops at a certain time period.
I am currently downloading 1 year of daily mean data, and all of my queries are hanging with INFO status “running” for indeterminate amount of time… yesterday the same call via website rather than API took 6 seconds. It seems the download times are all over the place.
Another edit: First variable (2m_temperature daily means) finished in 1 hr 30 min, I have 7 more variables for this year, and then 5 more years to do for just the initial pass. Eventually will need ~25 more years. Screenshot:
Evan - Looks to me like CDS has slowed down over the past couple days, and then got real slow today, since about the time you posted that comment. I’m seeing it with the single-level and on-pressure-level hourly data; might be affecting the mean data too. See Requests status always is Quened - #12 by Andrew_Janke.
Thanks for your reply - your comments on the other thread are very thorough. I am now seeing download speeds for my daily statistics at ~3min for a month of data over the whole globe, which is on par what I’ve experienced previously. Glad this seems to be an intermittent issue.
Here in Nov 2024 with batch downloads and still waiting. I can download maybe a file a day! Is there another way to get this data? Another site? It seemed slow before the upgrade, but now nearly impossible. I need the data to complete my research.
Downloading had worked fine last a couple of days, and stuck since last night. Terminal shows the followings,
Recovering from connection error [(‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’))], attemps 1 of 500
Retrying in 120 seconds
Recovering from connection error [(‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’))], attemps 2 of 500
Retrying in 120 seconds