We are pleased to inform you that in response to user demand, CORDEX data from the Climate Data Store (CDS) has been extended to offer the following new features:
- Additional geographical domains available: North America at this time, Mediterranean and Arctic domains to follow soon (additional 10 more domains are planned to be included at the beginning of next year).
- More spatial resolutions are available now (on top of the 0.11 degrees for Europe also 0.22 and 0.44 degrees for the other domains).
- Two constant (time-independent) model fields are added to the non-European domains.
To implement these new features, it was necessary to create a new CORDEX data entry in the CDS at: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/projections-cordex-domains-single-levels?tab=overview
To differentiate the previous CORDEX dataset entry to the new extended CORDEX entry, the previous CORDEX dataset entry has been labeled as "deprecated" and is no longer searchable in the Climate Data Store. The deprecated CORDEX data entry in the CDS will no longer be updated but shall remain accessible in the Climate Data Store for about 1 year after which period it will be removed from the Climate Data Store.
Users who are accustomed to download CORDEX programmatically using the CDS API service or the CDS Toolbox should migrate to using the new CORDEX data and update their download API or Toolbox script as soon as possible. They will then automatically benefit for the further extensions when more domains will be added. Please note that while the deprecated CORDEX API will continue to work until the dataset is removed from the CDS, no support will be provided to users of the deprecated CORDEX data from the CDS.
C3S Helpdesk at ECMWF