We're looking at ERA5-LAND 2m-temperature, but can't explain differences between GRIB and NetCDF files downloaded at https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form with another NetCDF file acquired from the CDS API (via Python client at https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2).
Here are 3 time-series in °C from the 3 separate files for 1990-01-01 UTC times at location X=-122.0728 Y=39.75376:
date t2m_api t2m_nc t2m_grib
1: X1990. 13.221094 13.237744 13.237451
2: X1990. 11.665186 11.681625 11.681787
3: X1990. 10.072168 10.095596 10.095850
4: X1990. 9.000879 8.965128 8.964990
5: X1990. 9.196192 9.182172 9.182031
6: X1990. 8.310938 8.317065 8.317285
7: X1990. 7.488183 7.531720 7.531885
8: X1990. 5.521875 5.556852 5.556543
9: X1990. 5.076074 5.118164 5.118311
10: X1990. 5.546777 5.577560 5.577295
Below are plots of the 3 files at 1990-01-01 00:00 UTC. They have slightly different spatial extents (and projection for the GRIB), which maybe explain the problem (?):
> extent(r)
class : Extent
xmin : -124.466
xmax : -114.165
ymin : 32.581
ymax : 41.981
> extent(r)
class : Extent
xmin : -124.46
xmax : -114.16
ymin : 32.48
ymax : 41.98
> extent(r)
class : Extent
xmin : -124.46
xmax : -114.16
ymin : 32.48
ymax : 41.98
API method (in °C):
GUI NetCDF format (in K):
GUI GRIB format (in K):
We use R raster::extract() to overlay the point location to the rasters (but we have the same results in QGIS).
Differences between the 2 NetCDF files (API vs. GUI):
Differences between NetCDF and GRIB files (GUI):
Is there any reason why we see small differences between the separate files? Max difference is in the order of 0.1°C (between API and GUI) over the month of January 1990, but this is a little concerning for reproducibility's sake.