Downloaded ERA5 monthly averaged singlelevel variable 'surface net solar radiation' 'net thermal radiation' unchanged through time


I downloaded the two variables ‘surface net solar radiation’ and ‘surface net thermal radiation’ from the ERA5 monthly averaged singlelevel reanalysis from 1940 to 2023. However, I found that the data have constant values along the time dimension (the radiation field doesn’t change in time). I also tried with the two mean flux variables ‘mean surface net shortwave radiation flux’ and ‘mean surface net longwave radiation flux’ but they have the same problem. Has anyone also encounter this issue?


这个问题我之前问了,他们也给我回了邮件,讨论版最新的话题也是这个,是系统出了问题。他们如果已经把缓存清除了的话重下就好。或者在python下载的文件中加入一个字段 ‘nocache’: ‘123’ 来清除缓存重下

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please have a look here: Check your recent NetCDF files downloaded from the CDS and ADS: you may need to download them again


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Thanks! It works now