Earlier release of the Jan-Jun 2020 CAMS Global Reanalysis data in the ADS

We are pleased to announce the release, ahead of schedule, of the first six months (Jan-Jun) of the 2020 CAMS Global Reanalysis data (EAC4) daily and monthly data.

Data is now available for download from the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS):

Please note that, as indicated in the CAMS: Reanalysis data documentation, anthropogenic emissions used were not adjusted for any COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.

The Initial assessment of the CAMS global reanalysis for reactive gases and aerosols, January-June 2020 is also available as part of the documentation linked above.

For any enquiries or feedback regarding the above, please contact the Copernicus Support team at ECMWF


CAMS Helpdesk at ECMWF