ERA5 download issue - worker killed due to memory usage


I am trying to download ERA5 data from the website for the following dataset: ERA5 hourly data single levels 1940-present. I am trying to request yearly files with data for the entire available region for 2 variables as I require it in this format for my work (eg requesting for year 2022 all months, days, and time for u100 and v100 for the entire available region in netCDF format). However, some requests for some years are getting approved for download while others result in the above error. Here are the details of one of the errors:
Request ID: 9ef11b17-5d3b-4adf-a56f-ad9b67a79b70
User ID:
Trace ID of the error: 41efe606-9a6b-405e-aebb-51034979fS42

Please could you help me with this. Thank you.