ERA5-Land Hourly Data Download - Forever Waiting

Hi there, I’ve been downloading ERA5-Land reanalysis data for the coverage of USA using cdsapi, and I tried with only one variable and one day, but the procedure stucked at “status has been updated to accepted”.

It seems that the authentication has passed but there is some issue in queuing or processing. Would you have any experiences or ideas with this? Thank you :slight_smile:

Below is my script, very simple and small request.

dataset = "reanalysis-era5-land"
request = {
    'variable': ['2m_temperature'],
    'year': '1980',
    'month': '01',
    'day': ['01'],
    'time': ['00:00', '01:00', '02:00', '03:00', '04:00', '05:00', '06:00', '07:00', '08:00', '09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '13:00', '14:00', '15:00', '16:00', '17:00', '18:00', '19:00', '20:00', '21:00', '22:00', '23:00'],
    'data_format': 'netcdf',
    'download_format': 'unarchived',
    'area': [53, -125, 25, -67]

client = cdsapi.Client()
client.retrieve(dataset, request).download()

And below is all I got from the terminal:

2024-09-05 11:37:01,105 INFO Request ID is **** (P.S., hidden by me)
2024-09-05 11:37:01,226 INFO status has been updated to accepted

I am having the same issue. Did you fix it?

No, still stuck at this stage. The status has been remaining “Queued” for a few hours.

Same here. Still at the same status after hours: 2024-09-05 17:28:06,142 INFO status has been updated to accepted

You can check the INFO status in " your requests" and to delete the request, then run the script again, or just waiting the “Queued” to compelet.

An update here for your information: the support team suggests me to request by month for efficiency, and I did, requesting hourly data of a month for three variables at each loop, and the waiting time is 10 minutes average for each month, not very bad.

I have been facing the same problem. It’s taking more than usual.


I need to download total precipitation data since 1940. Please let me know if there is any workaround.

Same problem, but waiting for about 10 mintues it works out. The API download is too slow, compared with 30 seconds on the website submit with the same request.

Besides, can you download the .nc file in your local with the script? I even don’t know where the file is saved on my computer

Agree, it is slow, but I don’t know what we can do. :frowning_face:

For specifying the downloading path, below is my Python script for your refernece, hope it helps :slight_smile:

client = cdsapi.Client()
# --- your request here ---- #
# ------------------------------ #

r = client.retrieve(dataset, request)
target = 'your/local/path'
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The queuing time is too crazy! Looks like you’re requesting a short time period in each queued request. Not sure if this helps you: the support team suggested me requesting by month as this is most efficient way. I followed this and the average waiting time is 10-20 mins (occassionally it can be 1 hour), still slow but accetable.


I have same issue. I am in queue for 30 mins.
Can someone help or give insight?

Thanks for the script, it helps me out. :smiley:

Based on my experience, we can only wait or submit the requirements directly from the webpage.

Avoiding peak usage periods can ease queuing time, but the effect is limited

I am looking for multiple years which would require a separate request for each year I think. what time would you consider is not peak time? I am based in EST time zone.

Just found this issue. We have the same problem. There is a small discussion on that going on here as well: The new Climate Data Store Beta (CDS-Beta) is now live! - Announcements / C3S - Announcements - Forum (

No official reply until now though.
Here’s the original message:

Hi all,
I have a similar issue. I am trying to download ERA5 Land data. When I submit the request via the GUI it starts processing directly. If I send the exact same request via python cdsapi it is queued for an hour or so. I checked the status and it goes into the MARS Archive queue of 190 parallel requests.
“The maximum number of requests that access the CDS-MARS archive is 190”
I think that if the requested dataset is not in the MARS Archive via GUI request, it cannot be in the MARS Archive for python API requests.
Might it be that API requests are treated differently than using the GUI?

Same issue here, but after 15 hours of waiting, it has not downloaded any data. I am trying to get all days for a month, only the 00:00 timestamp, for a single variable.

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Its taking an absurd time to download data from ERA5 and they seem to dont care or reply when we ask.I can download from CDS beta but variables are not working with my script and i cant find a way to fix it.As for the old site, it works , but 20hs of waiting its absurd! I need 1991-2020 june/july/august and downloading one month at a time , with 20hs of waiting , Im never going to finish it .

this cannot possibly be normal. What is happening??I need lot of data and honestly 20hs of waiting for 1 month at a time , when i need to run 60 years of data analyzes for my TCC, never going to finish if it keeps taking 20hs+ to acquire .
Now almost 24hs of waiting time .

Same issue, my tasks are queued for 9+hours.
These are still queued:
Request ID: 46edf71e-25c8-44e6-9fc6-8b13b1f54ba4
Request ID: b203baab-4318-467f-88b3-73a95630929c

Over 30hs of waiting here and I cant even ask for more data due to 15 limited request , therefore, they are delaying my work with this issue. It has no reason to be that way, but they did that .