ERA5 Parameters

Could you please tell me where I can find detailed information about the variables available for use in the ECMWF datasets when coding in Python? Specifically, I would like to know where each variable is documented and how they should be used in CDS API requests.

‘product_type’: ‘reanalysis’,
‘format’: ‘netcdf’,
‘variable’: [‘total_precipitation’],
‘year’: [str(year) for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1)],
‘month’: [f"{m:02d}" for m in range(1, 13)],
‘day’: [f"{d:02d}" for d in range(1, 32)],
‘time’: [f"{h:02d}:00" for h in range(24)],
‘area’: area,

please have a look here: ERA5: data documentation - Copernicus Knowledge Base - ECMWF Confluence Wiki


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