I am getting an Error, while reading from the following dataset:
Temperature statistics for Europe derived from climate projections
The error does not occur every time. Sometimes everything works fine.
Here is the error:
python3: /io/netcdf-c-4.9.2/libsrc4/nc4internal.c:326:
nc4_nc4f_list_add: Assertion `nc
&& !((NC_FILE_INFO_T *)(nc)->dispatchdata)
&& path' failed.
I have read that this kind of error can occur, when netCDF and HDF5 were not configured correctly togehter “Ensure that both netCDF-C and HDF5 are compatible versions”. But I understand, that this refers to data-creation!?
I am using the python library netCDF4 with version 1.6.5 (currently updating to 1.7.1.post1).
Does anyone else have this problem?
I read similar problems occured during Data Download. Maybe it occurs, when the data is not fully downloaded, yet? Or rather, not fully decompressed.
Any hints appreciated!
Thank you