Error: Assertion failed, while reading "Temperature Statistics"

I am getting an Error, while reading from the following dataset:
Temperature statistics for Europe derived from climate projections

The error does not occur every time. Sometimes everything works fine.

Here is the error:

python3: /io/netcdf-c-4.9.2/libsrc4/nc4internal.c:326: 
  nc4_nc4f_list_add: Assertion `nc 
    && !((NC_FILE_INFO_T *)(nc)->dispatchdata) 
    && path' failed.

I have read that this kind of error can occur, when netCDF and HDF5 were not configured correctly togehter “Ensure that both netCDF-C and HDF5 are compatible versions”. But I understand, that this refers to data-creation!?

I am using the python library netCDF4 with version 1.6.5 (currently updating to 1.7.1.post1).

Does anyone else have this problem?

I read similar problems occured during Data Download. Maybe it occurs, when the data is not fully downloaded, yet? Or rather, not fully decompressed.

Any hints appreciated!
Thank you

On the dataset “heat waves and cold spells…”, I get the same error.

After udating the python lib netCDF4 to version 1.7.1.post1, another error occurs in addition to the one mentioned above:

python3: /io/netcdf-c-4.9.2/libhdf5/hdf5open.c:717: nc4_open_file: Assertion `nc4_info && nc4_info->root_grp' failed.