I was using the Python API to request several parameters from ERA5-Land database. It takes very long to download a single year of data, around 4-5 h, for just few grid cells. I believe this was different before the transfer to CDS-Beta, however I am not sure because before I was downloading ERA5, not ERA5-Land. Is my issue related to ERA5-Land not being on the disk of the CDS, or it just needs some adjustments and should work fine in the incoming days? Thank you very much for your help.
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same issue here. I requested my data 3hs ago and I am still waiting.The waiting time of over 4hs cannot be accepted. It was far faster before .
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I think the CDS has just slowed down a lot today, after a speed decline over the last couple days, and maybe you’re seeing the same slow downloads I’m getting for the ERA5 single-level and on-pressure-level sets. And your switching to ERA5-Land and getting slower downloads is a coincidence because you did it at the same time that CDS got really slow.
Discussion and some metrics over here on this other post: Requests status always is Quened - #12 by Andrew_Janke.