Getting connection error on CDS prev version

Hi everyone,

I getting this error for a process I had sent request for using CDSAPI for the CDS previous version.

2024-08-07 06:29:32,019 WARNING HTTP error: [500 Internal Server Error]. Attempt 1 of 500.
2024-08-07 06:29:32,020 WARNING Retrying in 120 seconds
2024-08-07 06:31:32,120 INFO Retrying now…

2024-08-07 11:00:12,735 WARNING Connection error: [(‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’))]. Attempt 1 of 500.
2024-08-07 11:00:12,735 WARNING Retrying in 120 seconds
2024-08-07 11:02:12,836 INFO Retrying now…

It was working for previous downloaded files, have downloaded 40 of them.
Is this due to the shift to CDS-beta?

How to resolve?


Hi, I have also encountered this problem now. Have you solved it?
Thanks very much!

Yes, it is because there are still some requests running on the server (which you can see in “your requests” section) even though you may have stopped running your program – I was using the API to submit the requests.

Also there is a limit of 20 requests at a time.
Hope this helps!


Oh, you’re right. Thanks very much! Now the download speed is a bit slow after the request is submitted.