Grib file instead of netcdf received

Requesting hourly era5-land data on the 29 Jan 2025 in a zipped netcdf format, I got a zipped grib file.


+1 me too. requested netcdf, got zipped grib.

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Dear ECMWF team, can you all please confirm whether this is anticipated behavior or a bug in back-end processing? If the latter my team will need to modify some of our ETL scripts ASAP to avoid major issues with data transformation.

Somtehing I found out is that queries sent via API now need to have two new parameters in order to get a netcdf file. If not used together you will get a zip file with either a netcdf or a grib file depending on the combination of new and old parameters.

Those parameters are:
‘data_format’: ‘netcdf’,
‘download_format’: ‘unarchived’,

Let me know if that works

Thank you very much, it works :man_dancing:

Thank you very much. It works for me aswell.