Dear community,
I would like to obtain cloud water pH values from the CAMS dataset. Since cloud water pH is not among the variables that are archived and can be downloaded, it would be nice if there is a a way to calculate this from the available variables.
This would be nice to have for a PhD project I am supervising, where we look at SO2 chemistry and transport with a simplified model for SO2 chemistry on air mass trajectories. The results are quite dependent on cloud water pH, because of the SO2+O3 reaction in cloud droplets, which is very pH dependent. The SO2 chemistry model does not calculate all of the tropospheric chemistry, but uses many species from CAMS (O3, H2O2, OH...) as fixed input variables. In the moment, pH is set to a globally fixed value in the model, and I would like to improve on this. I also have to say that I am not really an expert for cloud pH.
I have already put some research and effort into this to be able to ask more specific questions. First, since the cloud water pH variable was not available and I also have no access to the CAMS source code and the function calculating the pH values, I used a function from the Geos-Chem model that is calculating pH values as a "makeshift" solution and for first tests (sorry for using source code from the competitors ). This does work quite well, but my main problem in the moment is to match the input parameters of the Geos-Chem function with the CAMS parameters available for download. Some of the input variables are probably not important, since we are looking at the free troposphere in our project and not directly near the surface, but some of the rest are probably important. Here is the list of input parameters for the Geos-Chem function directly from the documentation of the function and my best guess for the corresponding CAMS input:
- SO4nss ! Total nss sulfate mixing ratio [M]: I have no idea what the correct CAMS variable is, maybe "sulphate aerosol mixing ratio" aermr11 (11.210) is the correct one here? I am a little bit confused by "total" and "aerosol" here
- HMSc ! Total HMS mixing ratio [M]: (probably do not need this?)
- TNO3 ! Total nitrate (gas+particulate) mixing ratio [v/v] : Probably CAMS HNO3 (6.217), but since this is gas+particulate, I am not sure
- TNH3 ! NH3 mixing ratio [v/v]: Probably CAMS "ammonia" NH3 (19.217)
- SO2 ! SO2 mixing ratio [v/v]: CAMS SO2 (122.210)
- CL ! Total chloride (gas+particulate) mixing : (probably do not need this?)
- TNA ! Sodium (particulate) [v/v] : (probably do not need this?)
- TDCA ! Total Ca2+ and Mg2+ mixing ratio [M] : (probably do not need this?)
- TAA ! Acetic acid mixing ratio [v/v] : (probably do not need this?)
- TFA ! Formic acid mixing ratio [v/v] : (probably do not need this?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated! In case there is no expert around here, it would also help to point me to someone who can help me on this topic.
Ingo Wohltmann (supervisor) and Chiranjeevi Nalapalu (PhD student)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany