How to download PM2.5 emission in GFAS?

Hi, everyone.

I am trying to get PM2.5 emission data in GFAS inventory using the CDS API.

However, it is not possible to download PM2.5 emission only, although other emission data has been downloaded.

The error message is as follows;

2023-09-26 15:32:22,067 ERROR   cdsinf.exceptions.BadRequestException: Value 'wildfire_flux_of_particulate_matter_d_2_5_μm' not valid for parameter 'variable', valid values are: altitude_of_plume_bottom, altitude_of_plume_top, injection_height, mean_altitude_of_maximum_injection, wildfire_combustion_rate, wildfire_flux_of_acetaldehyde, wildfire_flux_of_acetone, wildfire_flux_of_ammonia, wildfire_flux_of_benzene, wildfire_flux_of_black_carbon, ...

The variable  'wildfire_flux_of_particulate_matter_d_2_5_μm' is not valid on the CDS API.

I just copied the download script created on the web and executed the script on my Linux PC.

Of course, when I request the data by submitting form on the web, I was able to get it.

Waitng for your help.



The script is below;

import cdsapi

c = cdsapi.Client()

‘variable’: ‘wildfire_flux_of_particulate_matter_d_2_5_µm’,
‘date’: ‘2020-03-23/2020-03-25’,
‘format’: ‘netcdf’,