How to download the model-level data of the Complete ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis via CDS-beta

Dear all,
does anyone have access the model-level data of the Complete ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis via CDS-beta? I do not find the links and the request box for this type data.

Hi Yong,

If I understand your question the below request will return the hourly 100m wind velocity components from the 1st to the 7th of September from the reanalysis-era5-complete dataset on the original N320 gaussian grid.

Even though expver=5 is the initial data, we set expver=1 which is the final data and that still seems to have the data available after 6 days. Though we have encountered some issues this week and last week, which we are presuming is due to the cds-beta migration. i.e. we can not pull data for 2024-09-09

import cdsapi

cds = cdsapi.Client()
    download_file_path = f"/tmp/new_era5_download.grib"
    cds_dataset_name = "reanalysis-era5-complete"
    cds_request = {
        "class": "ea",
        "date": "2024-09-01/to/2024-09-07", # or "2024-09-01" if just want the single day
        "expver": 1, # 1=final, 5=initial
        "levtype": "sfc", # sfc = surface level
        "param": "246.228/247.228", # 100u-100v
        "stream": "oper", # oper = operational
        "time": "00/to/23/by/1",
        "type": "an", # an = analysis (as opposed to forecast)
        "grid": "N320",
        cds_dataset_name, cds_request, download_file_path