Identified issue in "Near surface meteorological variables from 1979 to 2018 derived from bias-corrected reanalysis" version 1.0

Please be aware that in early January 2021 an issue was detected in the production of the "Near surface meteorological variables from 1979 to 2018 derived from bias-corrected reanalysis" version 1.0. causing erroneous values for the "Surface downwelling shortwave radiation" (SWdown) data. The issue has been fixed and the affected data reprocessed. The corrected data is now available from the Climate Data Store as version 1.1.!/dataset/derived-near-surface-meteorological-variables?tab=form

Version 1.0 has been deprecated but remains accessible for traceability purposes only.

Documentation has been updated accordingly.

Users are advised to update any data they have downloaded previously. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.

We would like to take the opportunity to inform you that a new version of this dataset (v2.0), covering up to 2019, will soon be released. An announcement of the data release will be posted on the User Forum.

For any enquiries or feedback regarding the above, please contact us.


C3S Helpdesk at ECMWF