Issue with Data Download

I recently encountered an issue when downloading a dataset from the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS). Although I requested data for an entire year with hourly intervals, the downloaded file only contains a single line of data instead of the expected full-year dataset.

I have verified that the API request parameters, including the time range and intervals, were correctly set. Despite this, the output is incomplete. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?

Could you be more specific in what data you want to request (i.e. what variables from which dataset)?

This sounds like an issue with the CDS cache, as you can read here; Common Error Messages for CDS Requests - Copernicus Knowledge Base - ECMWF Confluence Wiki

In general its advisable to ‘cut’ any request in monthly chunks and align the request with the way the data is actually stored on disk.
Within ERA5 you can’t mix for instant Accumulative and Instantatneous variables.

i want to download ERA5 data (10-u and 10-v wind in a year in 2013-2023 and in 24 hour) in specific coordinate like in the photo

north -10, 22
south -10, 23
west 123,48
east 123,49

The nearest point available at ERA5 given the 0.25degs resolution would be -10.25 123.5. I would open the range to something like 123,48 to 123,51 and -10,26 to -10,22 to make sure that the point is within the requested range (I am assuming you are using the reanalysis at single levels dataset, the resolution for others may be different).

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