Issue with GFAS and CAMS global forecast outputs due to contaminated observations

We are aware of an issue with our Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) outputs at high latitudes over the eastern Arctic due to some contaminated Fire Radiative Power observations on 9 August 2024 and causing an area of unrealistic estimated in fire emissions in region. This is also affecting the CAMS global atmospheric composition forecasts (e.g. development of unrealistic/false plumes of AOD, CO, PM2.5 and GHGs) across the eastern Arctic region and some care is currently required in their use.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will share more information with you when it becomes available.

ECMWF Support

Corrected GFAS data for 9-14 August 2024 is now available from the FTP server at under the directory /public/copsup/GFAS-CORRECTED