Land Precipitation API does not align with requested data. Off by one hour and out of bounds

When I request 1 month of data, the hours are offset by one.

The data returned here will show it starting at 01:00 on the 1st and go until 00:00 on 02-01. Which is outside the date range.

When I select one day it will return the 23:00 but miss the 0:00.

Here for example the downloaded data will start at 01:00 and go till 1950-01-01 23:00. It misses the first hour.

I am requesting the dataset here Parameter Database

As with many numerical weather forecast models, the precipitation value for hour 0 is not provided because hour 1:00 represents the cumulative total from 0:00-1:00. The same applies to solar radiation and other backward surface fluxes.