I tried to download the AQ forecasts from the new API. Unfortunately it seems that the new API or the redirection from ADS-Beta to the new systems doesn’t work. The requests are queued or in processing (for hours).
Does anybody knows a solution or has simliar problems?
I changed everything two weeks ago (to the new ADS-beta) and everything worked fine since today.
I am experiencing the same issue. In our group we routinely download CAMS REGIONAL fields to force our operational system within the CAMS-NCP project, but today the forecast failed as the download has been “in progress” since yesterday around 23:00 PM. I killed the jobs and restarted them, but currently, I am also unable to access the ADS browser interface.
Could it be an issue on the ADS server side? Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
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Yes, we’re experiencing the same problem. Our routine morning download of CAMS regional data for our operational systems has failed this morning. We migrated to the new ADS API a couple of weeks ago, and apart from it being a little slow occasionally, it has been working fine.
Any update on when it might be fixed ECMWF?
I am experiencing the same issue.
Checking the request at Atmosphere Data Store
I can see a lot queued process…there is probably a problem
The maximum number of requests that access CAMS archive is 100
Running: 100 — Queued: 910
I’m seeing similar problems with the CDS API. ETLs that have been working on the new API for almost 4 weeks are crashing this morning.
Same issue here. https://cds-beta.climate.copernicus.eu returned 404 until just 5 minutes ago. Now the server is offline entirely.
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Hi all, I’m not official ECMWF support but I can tell you that today is the day the old system is switched off and the Beta becomes the official system and there’s some disruption associated with that switch. The team are aware of this and working hard to resolve the issues.
I just switched to production URLs without the beta-
prefix and can confirm downloads are working fine for CDS and ADS. Currently enjoying queue times of less than 5 seconds
Thank you very much! I deleted “beta” - prefix as well and now everything is working. Queue times are very fast
@Luke_Jones can you confirm that they are setting up redirects from the beta URLs, as they said they would do in the most recent announcements?
If not then we have some urgent work to do on all our systems to switch to the permanent URL…
Latest announcement:
" If you are a CDS-beta or ADS-beta user, from September 26, 2024, there will be no urgency at this time to update the URL in your .cdsapirc. Requests will be automatically redirected from the beta URLs to the proper ones for some time. You will be advised to update the URL in your .cdsapirc file at your earliest convenience (but within a timeframe to be announced). We will update this page and post an announcement on our Forum to remind and guide users on what to do."
Thanks! without “-beta” prefix it’s working
The switch wasn’t instantaneous, so there was downtime for both the main ADS URL and the Beta URL, but you should find they’re both back and working now, with the Beta automatically redirecting to the main URL.
Does anybody get
ERROR - Failed to download data: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/retrieve/v1/processes/reanalysis-era5-single-levels/execution
After switching from -beta to permanent URL?
It worked before with the same .cdsapirc config
It seems like the GloFAS url is not working. API gives 404 Client error, not found for url. Also cant retrieve documentation and initial API setup through CDS in any way. Is there an outlook on when it would be fixed? thank you
GloFAS datasets were transferred to CEMS Early Warning Data Store (EWDS) which is available here.
After updating the url in the .cdsapirc to url: https://ewds.climate.copernicus.eu/api it worked for me.
我的解决方案是:不用code下载,可以直接在网页上点击 submit form请求,这样排队速度就很快