A new dataset has been published in the Climate Data Store: Climate and energy indicators for Europe from 2005 to 2100 derived from climate projections
This dataset provides climate and energy indicators for Europe as part of the Copernicus climate change service (C3S) Energy operational service. The climate-relevant indicators for the energy sector considered are: air temperature, precipitation, incoming solar radiation, wind speed at 10 m and 100 m, and mean sea level air pressure. The energy indicators are: electricity demand, wind (both on- and off-shore), solar and hydro (run-of-river and reservoir) power. Depending on the indicator, the data are available at the national, regional and grid (roughly 30x30 km) level for most European countries.
Similar datasets derived from reanalysis and seasonal forecasts are also available in the Climate Data Store.
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C3S Helpdesk at ECMWF