New dataset published in CDS-Beta: Gridded dataset underpinning the Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas

We are pleased to announce that the gridded climate data (monthly/annual time series) used for the Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas (C3S Atlas) has been published in the new Climate Data Store Beta (CDS-Beta): Gridded dataset underpinning the Copernicus Interactive Climate Atlas

The datasets consists of observations (E-OBS), reanalyses (ERA5, ERA5-Land and ORAS5) and global (CMIP5 and CMIP6) and regional (CORDEX-EUR-11 and CORDEX-CORE) climate projections for the variables and indices included in the C3S Atlas. This dataset complements the Gridded monthly climate projection dataset underpinning the IPCC AR6 Interactive Atlas (IPCC Atlas dataset), including new datasets, variables and indices.

This dataset allows the reproduction, expansion and customisation of the climate change products provided interactively by the C3S Atlas.

For any enquiries regarding this dataset, please contact us.

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