New dataset published in the CDS: CMIP6 predictions underpinning the C3S decadal prediction prototypes

We are pleased to announce that a new dataset have been published today, 23rd November 2023, in the Climate Data Store (CDS):

CMIP6 predictions underpinning the C3S decadal prediction prototypes

This dataset provides some daily and monthly global climate model data from the Decadal Climate Predictions Project (DCPP) experiments as they were used for the sectoral decadal demonstrator service developed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Details about the demonstrator service are available at

The dataset may now be downloaded from the Climate Data Store either interactively using the CDS web interface ("Download data") or programmatically using the CDS API service. Documentation is also available.

For any enquiries regarding this dataset, please contact us (ECMWF login required).

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