North and South American countries are repeteadly excluded from downloaded data


I have been using the CDS API to extract data from the derived-era5-single-levels-daily-statistics dataset, specifically focusing on the 2m_temperature variable. The extraction process seems to work without errors, and the NetCDF file is generated successfully. However, when I process the data (e.g., performing spatial joins to map the data to countries), I notice that countries in North and South America are missing from the results.

A brief summary of my workflow:

  1. I use the CDS API with the following dataset request:
    dataset = “derived-era5-single-levels-daily-statistics”
    request = {
    “product_type”: “reanalysis”,
    “variable”: [“2m_temperature”],
    “year”: “2025”,
    “month”: [“01”],
    “day”: [“01”, “02”, “03”, “04”],
    “daily_statistic”: “daily_mean”,
    “time_zone”: “utc+00:00”,
    “frequency”: “1_hourly”,

2 — The NetCDF file downloads without issue, and the dataset includes the expected global dimensions:

Dimensions: (valid_time: 1, latitude: 721, longitude: 1440)

  1. I use a shapefile of country boundaries for spatial joining. While most countries are successfully matched and analyzed, countries from North and South America are notably absent in the final aggregated output.

Could you please help clarify the following:

  1. Are there any known limitations or issues with the dataset that might exclude certain regions (e.g., North and South America)?
  2. Could there be a mismatch between the dataset’s coordinate reference system (CRS) and the shapefile CRS, or is this a potential data coverage issue?
  3. Are there specific parameters or configurations I need to adjust in the request to ensure global coverage, particularly for these missing regions?

I have double-checked the dataset on the CDS website and didn’t see any resriction in terms of countries.
your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your support.

Hi Kamuran,
I ran the request you specified and the data look ok in Panoply:

So all the data are present.