Recovering from HTTP error [500 Internal Server Error], attemps 1 of 500

when I download data, I got the messges “Recovering from HTTP error [500 Internal Server Error], attemps 1 of 500”, Nodata can be download. What is it mean?

Also getting this error, since yesterday. I’ve cleared any outstanding requests from the CDS as other users have suggested, but I am still getting this error message. Any ideas out there?

I’m also facing same issue today!

This issue started happening to me today as wel.

Has the problem been solved? I’m also facing same problem today!

It seems to be an accidently internal server error. The api work well until 1 hour ago.

I am still having the issue. My download worked fine yesterday (Nov. 14~before noon PST), and having the 500 Internal Server Error issue till now.

My download requests worked until ~14/15 Nov and I’m getting this error today (16th). Is this problem solved for those who experienced the same issue earlier?

I’m also facing the same issue today, even though it worked fine until 3-4 hours ago.

Hello, same thing here, HTTP error 500 while passing requests through cdsapi.

please look at the following announcement: CDS, ADS and EWDS down until further notice
