Is it possible to download ERA5 data regridded via the API. Specifying the keyword ‘grid’: ‘5.625/5.625’ in a request via the python API results in 33 latitudinal grid points, starting and ending at 90deg. I would like the data to have 32 latitudinal gridpoints, starting at 87.1875. Is this possible via the API or do I need to regrid the data again?
You can specify starting latitude in the “area” arg. The “grid” arg is meant for the grid resolution, and is specified like [5.625, 5.625]. So your request should be something like this (assuming you don’t want the sout pole either):
request = {
‘product_type’: [‘reanalysis’],
‘variable’: [<vars>],
‘year’: [<years>],
‘month’: [<months>],
‘day’: [<days>],
‘time’: [<hours>],
‘data_format’: ‘grib’,
‘download_format’: ‘zip’,
‘area’: [87.1875, -180, -87.1875, 180],
‘grid’ : [5.625, 5.625],
Thanks for the quick reply.
Is the target grid for regridding directly derived from the area and grid keywords or does this approach potentially introduce artifacts close to the poles due to the ordering of the area cropping and gridding operations?
I don’t know actually know, that would be a good thing to test. It hasn’t been a concern for my applications so far.