Required licences not accepted;

Trying to get era5, I get:
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError(message, response=response)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
required licences not accepted
required licences not accepted; please accept the following licences to proceed: [{‘id’: ‘licence-to-use-copernicus-products’, ‘revision’: 12}]

I use python and do:
def retrieve_file_celery(new_era_request_dict, file_name):
c = cdsapi.Client()
c.retrieve(“reanalysis-era5-single-levels”, new_era_request_dict, file_name)

I accepted all licences on the website. How should I communicate that I accept the licence? Do I need to add some field to my api-call?

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Hi Silvester,

The error is related to one of the licenses, it seems to indicate that the general license is not accepted (not the specific ERA5 one).

I suggest to look at your profile page (top right) and look at the bottom (here my list):

If you are missing the “license to use copernicus products” or any of the ToC’s you will need to accept those.

Hope this helps!


Please direct me to the dataset licenses page.