"Seasonal forecast monthly statistics on single levels" hindcast data periods

I have some questions about the "Seasonal forecast monthly statistics on single levels"dataset.

  1. The “Hindcast climate mean” is the average over the monthly means from all individual ensemble members, but averaged also over all years in the hindcast (climate) period. Is that means when I select “Product type = Hindcast climate mean”,and the years choose “2017”(or any other year), I will get the same data (Select the same option for month and lead time)? Because you said the “Hindcast climate mean” averaged also over all years in the hindcast (climate) period.

  2. Is the hindcast (climate) period for ECMWF system 5.1 1981-2016 or 1993-2016?

Looking forward to your answers, thank you.

Best Regards

Hi Joyce,

going directly to your questions:

  1. Yes, “hindcast climate mean” is expected to be exactly the same regardless of the start year.
  2. Regarding the periods used for products you have the following information in the C3S seasonal forecast documentation, specifically a page titled “C3S seasonal forecast products descriptions” (see section “Data products”):

In general, the common hindcast period, 1993 - 2016, is used as the reference period for C3S data and graphical products, regardless of the hindcast period available for each individual component system (unless stated otherwise).

(…) The common hindcast period is used for estimating the hindcast climate mean. (…)

I hope that sounds useful :slight_smile:

Eduardo Penabad