This published dataset provides ship performance indicators for 80 popular global commercial shipping routes computed using a bespoke Fuel Consumption Model (FCM) developed for the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The purpose of the dataset is to provide information on the weather dependence and seasonality of ship performances with the aim of reducing fuel consumption by optimizing the route selection and ship's sailing speed. The data are now available to download through the CDS catalogue at:!/dataset/sis-shipping-consumption-on-routes?tab=overview
This dataset was produced on behalf of the Copernicus Climate Change Service for the SIS Global Shipping service.
I am trying to use your data but some informations are missing (or I dont know how to find them).
For example when I download the data below, I dont know if consumption is in kg or in m3.
In data dascription it's written that:
It's "kg for fuel oil or m3 for gas".
I am interested to get data with vessels which consumed gas.
Can you help me please ?
'product_type': 'historical',
'variable': 'fuel_consumption_at_fixed_shaft_power',
'statistic': 'daily',
'departure_port': 'san_francisco',
'arrival_port': 'yokohama',
'year': '2014',
Hi Marc-Eloi,
The unit should be in the netcdf file you download.
I just checked and the fuel consumption is only available for Product Tankers with the properties described here: Operational Indicators: Technical Note part 1#FuelConsumptionModel
Initially different ship types were supposed to be covered but in the end only product tankers which use oil (kg) as fuel were included in the catalogue entry.
So I am afraid you won't find fuel consumption for vessels which use gas in this catalogue entry.