Unable to accept licenses to download ERA5 data

Hello everyone,

Since the migration to the new CDS, I am unable to download ERA5 because I cannot accept the required licences. When entering the link Complete ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis, the following message appears at the bottom of the page in the “downloads” tab:

However, as you can see, no box appears no matter if I am logged on, so I cannot accept the licenses. Could you provide me a way to accept them so I can download ERA5 data?

Thanks in advance.

Have you made a new account at ECWMF? The old accounts are semi-active, but can’t accept new license!

Also have a look at the bottom of your profile page: Climate Data Store

Mine as an example:

If you click on the name of the specific one, it opens a pop-up (an adblocker might block this!) and scrolling down allows you to accept that license.

Please go to one of the other ERA5 download form such as: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present
You will find the license button at the end of the form.
The relevant team is working to fix the issue on the ERA5 complete page.

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Thanks for the replies! The link provided by Michela worked, and I am already able to download data.
Thanks a lot!