Using ecmwfr package to download the new daily dataset ran into problems

Dear all, I am trying to download daily summary statistics from the newly available dataset “derived-era5-land-daily-statistics” using the R package “ecmwfr”.

Everything looked just fine but the error message kept poping out.

request_daily <- list(
  dataset_short_name = "derived-era5-land-daily-statistics",
  variable = '2m_temperature',
  year = '1995',
  month = '01',
  day = '01',
  daily_statistic = c('daily_mean','daily_min', 'daily_max'),
  frequency = '1-hourly'

           user = '',
           path = 'D:/climate_change_rice/climate_data/daily/temperature/',
           time_out = 600,
           verbose = TRUE)

The error message read

- timeout set to 0.2 hours
Error in if (private$downloaded == TRUE & file.exists(private$file) &  : 
  argument is of length zero

Any ideas?