Waiting for Download - GLOFAS Data - Following "Observing Major Flood Events with GLOFAS" Tutorial - 2nd Day

Hi everyone,

I’m working through the “Observing Major Flood Events with GLOFAS” tutorial Observing major flood events with GLOFAS — C3S Training, and I’ve been waiting for my GloFAS data to download for two days now.

I’m a bit concerned about the wait time.

Queue status
The maximum number of requests that access the ECMWF-MARS archive is 25

Running: 25 — Queued: 213

I’m hoping to get some insight on the estimated download time for this request. Has anyone else experienced a similar wait time while following the tutorial? Are there any suggestions on how to expedite the process?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

This was due to using the old dataset.