Dear C3S users,
ECMWF has involved with Wekeo, one of the 5 Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) instances, which is going to update the version of a cloud-based platform providing centralised access to Copernicus data and information, as well as to processing tools.
As WEkEO release of version 1.0 of the web portal is coming, we are looking for users who can help us and be interviewed as part of the user research activities which is crucial to design the right product.
A typical interview for the WEkEO case has an mean duration of 30 min (practically between 20 and 40 min).
Data about demographic, development process, technical skills, digital habits, future product expectation, frustration about existing product or workflow will anonymously collect and process to built a design on the needs of the target audience.
If you are interested simply reply here or email to (not valid anymore).
Your help will be much appreciated.