Hi everyone,
The CAMS dataset in the website https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/search?type=dataset provide some gresshouse dataset,which is very useful for global climate research. However,in this website provide two dataset for it. The one is "CAMS global greenhouse gas reanalysis (EGG4) monthly averaged fields" with spatial resolution 0.75°x0.75° ,and the another is "CAMS global inversion-optimised greenhouse gas fluxes and concentrations" with spatial resolution 1.9° x 3.75°. So what is the difference between them? And for the carbon dioxide,why does the second data caculate the Carbon dioxide total column dry mole fraction, but the first one don't, just CO2 column-mean molar fraction? What's the difference by considering dry air? How to caculate CO2 total column in dir air from the 0.75°x0.75° dataset? Thanks. Sorry for my basic questions, but I a beginner of atmspheric chemistry.
Looking forward to reply.
Mitch John