The Climate Data Store Beta (CDS-Beta) is now live!
Remember that you need to have an ECMWF account to use CDS-Beta. Your existing CDS credentials will not work in CDS-Beta! If you do not yet have an ECMWF account, please create one here, then with your ECMWF login account, login to CDS-Beta and follow instructions online.
API users need to upgrade their cdsapi package and update their credentials.
Important to note:
- Please migrate to using CDS-Beta by September 26th, 2024 when current CDS will be shutdown.
- CDS Toolbox will be discontinued and is not migrated to CDS-Beta.
We strongly recommend you read our Informative page in readiness for CDS-Beta.
With a launch of a new system on a state-of-the-art infrastructure, we understand that a natural perception is to assume that the new CDS Beta will be a visually revamped and fast performing system. This may not be your immediate experience. In fact, you may not initially see much difference between the current CDS and CDS Beta. The positive aspect of this is that it will help you to quickly get familiar with the new service and ease your move to using CDS Beta. While your interaction with the data won’t change too much, the key point here is what is new and at the heart of CDS Beta is the underlying technology, which you cannot see.
The modernisation of the Climate Data Store is a journey on which we embarked for the users and with the users. Without your support and your collaboration, this transition would simply not be achievable. We thank you all again for your patience during this significant modernisation of our Data Stores and eagerly await for your constructive feedback via our Support Portal!
ECMWF Support
On behalf of the Data Stores team