The new Climate Data Store Beta (CDS-Beta) is now live!


Is there any update on when the ADS Beta will be live - in particular the
CAMS global atmospheric composition forecasts?

Downloads of ERA5 data seem to be queuing for multiple days at the moment on CDS-Beta - is there a particular reason for this? Where can I check service status?


I got the same issue for downloading ERA5 model level data.

ADS-Beta is now live! :slight_smile:

Please see our announcement of earlier today: The Atmosphere Data Store Beta (ADS-Beta) is now live!

I downloaded C3S seasonal forecast data (2m temperature forecast) from CDS-Beta as a NETCDF and it seems that the dimensions of the files are different than those downloaded from old CDS.

In the old CDS, the dimensions are

netcdf ecmwf_2000-04_cds {
longitude = 360 ;
latitude = 180 ;
number = 25 ;
time = 860 ;

while in the new CDS beta, the same data gives me a file with following dimensions

netcdf ecmwf_2000-04_beta {
number = 25 ;
forecast_reference_time = 1 ;
forecast_period = 860 ;
latitude = 180 ;
longitude = 360 ;

Basically, the time dimension in the old CDS has changed to “forecast_period”, which is timedelta (i.e. hours), not actual time as in the old CDS.

Why is this the case?

I refactored all of my ERA5 download code to use the CDS-Beta endpoint and it technically works sometimes but usually just hangs for a very long time after displaying “status has been updated to accepted”, even when only downloading one hour of data. Are there issues with the servers?


I’m experiencing a similar issue. Have you managed to resolve it? If so, could you please share how you fixed it?

Thank you!

Hi, can you resolve the 404 error here

HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

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At first, I tried to download on my desktop computer and encountered the above issues. Later, I found that I could download normally on my laptop with the same process, so I suspected that there might be some problems with my code environment. Later, due to some reasons, I uninstalled and reinstalled Anaconda (I use it to run Python code) and then, after running the pip install ‘cdsapi>=0.7.0’ command in the Anaconda PowerShell Prompt with administrative privileges to install this library, I was also able to download normally.

This is my solution, I hope it is helpful, good luck to you.


Thank you very much! I have tried your solution and I can download now.

Best Regards.

first you must login in both cds beta and ecmwf after that choose a dataset. in my case im using ERA5 hourly data on single levels dataset

in download section you’ll find it like the below image

accept the license t&C

hope this will solve the issue you are facing : )

Do I need to uninstall and re-install the cdsapi to use the new beta?

No need to uninstall just upgrade your package .if you’re using python use pip install cdsapi --upgrade just use this to upgrade you existing package and you need to update your .cdsapirc file in your home directory also
you need to login, here you can see your key and url just copy this and paste it into your .cdsapira file

I also encountered this issue when trying to download daily mean data. How can this be resolved?



I can’t use Python for my application but have had no problems using the old API with C++.

The path I was using was


What is the equivalent new path please?

Also, my suggestion to help lower the load on the servers is that the system check if a user already has the requested data sitting ready to be downloaded and if so the API returns that rather than queueing a new request. We try to cache on our side locally but when that doesn’t work it can result in repeat requests to you.


Dear Miguel,
I faced the same problem using python3.7, I had to move to python3.9, I compiled it using this.

It works perfectly.

Hi Nicholas, try this for the data


Am I reading things correctly?

The new CDS-BETA status seems to imply that the maximum number of running requests is limited to 190.

Yet, as I look, the old CDS Live page says there are currently 260 running jobs.

The new CDS is more limited on running jobs than the old? That can’t be right, can it?

If that is correct, do we expect longer queue times come September?

(happy if you tell me I’m reading wrong :slight_smile: )
