Hi all,
I have a similar issue. I am trying to download ERA5 Land data. When I submit the request via the GUI it starts processing directly. If I send the exact same request via python cdsapi it is queued for an hour or so. I checked the status and it goes into the MARS Archive queue of 190 parallel requests.
“The maximum number of requests that access the CDS-MARS archive is 190”
I think that if the requested dataset is not in the MARS Archive via GUI request, it cannot be in the MARS Archive for python API requests.
Might it be that API requests are treated differently than using the GUI?
I’d agree - both ERA5 and ERA5 Land via API are bad at the moment, I haven’t tried Web GUI.
It’s making things really difficult for us to test - we all have changes that need to be done and complete by September, and having to wait an hour or two per request isn’t helpful.
If I try convert nc file downloaded from beta api, it throws below error. Also, if file is downloaded from old api then its gets converted into gz without issue.
NetCDFtoGZ.exe “<filepath_for_filenam.nc>”
Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key ‘add_offset’ was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.MetadataDictionary.get_Item(String key, SchemaVersion version)
at Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.MetadataDictionary.get_Item(String key)
at Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.Imperative.DataSetExtensions.GetAttr(DataSet dataset, Int32 variableId, String attributeName)
at Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.Imperative.DataSetExtensions.GetAttr(DataSet dataset, String variableName, String attributeName)
at NetCDFtoGZ.ERA5Handler.Handle(String args)
at NetCDFtoGZ.Program.Main(String args)
Above would be where you make your POST request. Body would be something like the below. You also need to include your private token as PRIVATE-TOKEN in the headers (many many thanks to @Koen_Hufkens for that one)
Was this recently changed/edited from September 3 to 16? It would be nice to have a separate post announcing this change instead of an edit that might not be noticed.
We’ve started to fetch data from the new API and we have noticed that the data is slightly different than what we obtained from the old API (particularly the solar irradiance variables). For example, here is a screenshot showing values of some of the solar irradiance variables for Lat = 62.75, Lon = 22.25, Time = 2024-08-13 04:00:00 UTC. Downward solar radiation (SSRD) is 122488.625 with the old API and 122496 with the new API. Any idea what would cause that difference?
Hi @Anabelle , We have started sourcing data from Beta platform, However we see the Gridpoints coverage for Condition Parameter 'Sea Surface Temperature ’ aka ( sst ) is lower then current platform. Could you please make it consistent ? We are missing some of the main Grid points used .